
How To Increase Restaurant Sales Without Advertising

Running a restaurant is no piece of cake feat. In fact, it'southward one of the most challenging businesses to operate. You tin be an A+ eating house operator, but without strong marketing tactics, it can be challenging to gain customers.

The term "marketing" can oft be thrown effectually every bit a buzzword and sound intimidating to those with limited experience in information technology, but it can be a simple and effective style to increase awareness, grow and retain your customer base and heave sales.


Woman looking at a website

Restaurant websites are essential to conducting a successful restaurant business today. Just call up near how oft you, as a client, attain for Google every bit your offset source of research when trying to make up one's mind where to eat dinner. In fact, over 77% of customers visit a eating place's website earlier visiting, and nosotros're seeing increasingly more than engagement with online platforms like social media.

A stiff website tin can be a tremendous asset to eatery management. But on the flip side, if your eating house'south website is not up to snuff, it can harm your potential for new business organization. In that location are many web development software programs that make information technology easy and inexpensive to design and manage an interactive website, merely what are the cardinal essential elements to include?

Your Restaurant's Dwelling house Page

    ■ When it comes to designing your website, determine how you lot intend for customers to engage with it. From there, evaluate if you lot can build it in-house or if you lot should outsource it to a spider web programmer.

If yous opt to build your site in-house, there are many piece of cake-to-use website builders at various cost points including Wix, Squarespace and WordPress. All of these online tools come with templates that you lot can leverage to help design what works best for your eating house's needs. And if you offer online ordering, y'all can integrate it with your eating place'south POS organization to include the link on your website, like linking it in your navigation bar or on your home page.

    ■ Brand sure the copy on your website is clear when developing the site and that it focuses on a few cardinal words yous recollect all-time describe your restaurant. For example, if you're a pizza place that makes Detroit style pizza in Tampa, your copy should include "Detroit style pizza" and

"Tampa" so that when users are searching for those terms on Google, your website tin can show up on page 1.

Third Political party Websites

    ■ Another way to make sure y'all show up on search results is via the Google My Business service offered by Alphabet. Equally a restaurant possessor, you tin can claim and create your Google Business organisation Folio for free to set yourself upwardly for even more search engine optimization (SEO) success. Y'all can add basic information, upload images and showcase your carte du jour with your Google Business Folio. Customers can then, in turn, get out star ratings and comments in the review department.

    ■ While Google Business pages permit for reviews, the thought has been popularized over the decades thanks to Yelp. The online digital directory and review site has been a trusted resource for diners and restaurant owners alike. Like Google My Business, it's free to claim your page, add details and upload images. However, you lot tin can also increment your rank and gain more exposure to diners searching for restaurants in your expanse for a fee.

Of class, with third-political party sites comes the possibility of unfavorable reviews nearly your restaurant, then monitor review sites regularly and be prepared to respond to both positive and negative ones. Regardless of what's existence said, you can leverage the good, the bad and the ugly to improve your business.

    ■ Another website a customer may get-go hear about your restaurant is through reservation sites like OpenTable and Resy. In fact, a number of restaurants piece of work with these 3rd-party partners to prepare up their reservation system through them, with the advantage that these sites already take traffic and a customer base. Consider using them or another local reservation provider who tin can assistance you attract new customers.

    ■ Don't experience like you need to limit yourself to these large, international websites. It's merely as of import to call back local for digital. If y'all're in a major American city, there is a good take chances that the local newspaper, television station and/or magazine has a food trounce and perhaps fifty-fifty, a directory on their website focusing on local restaurants. Pound the pavement and attain out to these partners, who tin give y'all access to their audiences and increase sensation nearly your restaurant.

Video + Photography

    ■ When it comes to website video and photography, inquire yourself, "why is someone visiting my website?" It's likely to go through your menu, find where you're located and see what your food looks like. Think about how oft your menu changes and how many photo shoots per year yous'd need to take to cover any adjustments. Changes to your website should adjust based on changes to your bill of fare. Additionally, video production costs accept dropped considerably over the by decade, assuasive more people to create compelling video at an affordable price. Consider hiring a videographer that can prove the activeness of your food every bit opposed to static pictures: the cheese pulls, egg yolks breaking, noodles stirring and all the other clips that make our mouths water.

    ■ When it comes to formats, website video and photo should be landscape oriented, or 16x9. These photo and video formats resize easily no matter how the

viewer is looking at the website (via a desktop or mobile device). Overhead photos and video tin can be a particularly useful angle as they tin be reoriented for both portrait and landscape style.

    ■ When it comes to video, you lot tin exercise as much or as footling as you desire, simply the more than video you practise, the more opportunity you accept to reach audiences. In that location'south everything from a YouTube talk show run out of a pizza place to behind-the-scenes kitchen recipes to a history of the eatery. Whatever story you want to tell about the restaurant can exist told with video. It just depends on how much you lot want to invest in this form of storytelling.

Man posting food picture to instagram

When marketing your restaurant in the past, you might have bought a billboard or advertisement time on local TV. You would be guaranteed a certain number of impressions that was a loose calculation based on a small sample, like how many people were watching the Tv show at a given time slot or how many people would drive by the billboard over the grade of a day.

That type of traditional ad is not only less constructive now but besides pricier than a social media focused marketing strategy. By prioritizing the growth of your social media account, you'll get more than ROI for every marketing dollar you spend in social whether it'south on hiring a social media manager, outsourcing an agency to assistance you, paid advertising within the social apps or partnering with local influencers.

Influencer Marketing

    ■ Working with influencers can exist a challenging and disruptive endeavor. Subsequently all, these are individuals, not companies. They typically have large audiences on social media that are interested in the subject matter the influencer covers, and then in your case, you'd partner with an influencer who focuses on nutrient, drinkable and hospitality. Their followers volition answer at a much higher rate than a general audience considering they're post-obit the influencer for that discipline matter in the offset identify.

The other challenge is finding the right person since there are enough of accounts with thousands of followers. How do you pick one who will requite yous actual results and ROI? There are a few means to approach this.

For one, you can start past looking on Instagram or Tik Tok for hashtags corresponding to your geographical area. And then, yous can review the near pop posts until you notice someone covering food and beverage. DM them and ask them what their rates are for doing sponsored content. You can also piece of work with an ad agency or an influencer directory like Tagger or Sideqik. But keep in mind they will want a commission from any y'all pay the influencer and will, therefore, have higher rates.

Video + Photography

    ■ With the rise of Instagram as the most popular social platform, photography on social media became an essential need and priority for restaurants. But now every bit Tik Tok is on the rise to becoming the most popular platform, video has become even more of a priority for marketers. In fact, Instagram updated their algorithm

to prioritize accounts posting videos. They are showing accounts that post video and Reels often to potential new followers more accounts only posting photos, making videos a must for marketers in 2022.

    ■ Then you've paid a lensman to make your website. It only makes sense to use the aforementioned photos for your social feed, right? Wrong. Website photos and video are typically mural oriented (typically in a 16x9 or 3x2 format), and then you tin see more of the photo from left to right. Social photos and video are portrait oriented (typically in a 9x16 or 4x5 ratio). They're showing more of a dish from meridian to lesser than left to correct. If y'all're cropping your website photos and re-posting them on social media, your followers will notice. Instead, hire your photographer to shoot dishes in both orientations and so you take multiple uses for each shot. And programme to shoot some video of each dish on your phone at the photoshoot then you can use the video for content on Instagram Reels or Tik Tok.

    ■ When it comes to video, timing is key. For Instagram Reels, your video cannot be more than one infinitesimal long. Since well-nigh restaurateurs will be re-using their Tik Tok content for Reels and vice versa, it'due south best to follow the stricter guidelines: the one minute limit from Instagram Reels so you tin can use it across platforms. Most users spend less than two seconds earlier deciding to move on from 1 video to another, so make sure that the best footage in your reel is at the top to keep the viewer engaged.

Platforms to Utilize

    ■ Every platform on social media has a personality. Not only are the algorithms dissimilar for each platform, just the user bases also. You tin can see the subtleties in the differences between the feeds, comments and audience of each platform. If you already have a social media business relationship, y'all tin can cheque the insights of each platform to encounter varying degrees of audition demographic information and from in that location, you can begin to build a profile of what a typical follower is like for every platform.

    ■ When it comes to Facebook, the key to performance is consistency, engagement and getting your content "shared". In terms of consistency, the Facebook algorithm wants to see you posting multiple times a week, and information technology prioritizes media rich content with photos and video. They likewise want to see a growing audience that consistently likes and comments on your posts. The cardinal to exponential growth on Facebook, however, is having content that other people want to share on their feeds with their followers. If the content is great, followers on their feed may want to share it—that'southward how something ultimately becomes "viral" on Facebook. Finally, of all the social platforms, Facebook does the best task of guaranteeing audience growth through paid advertising. Because they know and so much virtually their users, they are more probable to notice exactly who you lot need to reach than any other platform.

    ■ Instagram is endemic by Facebook, but the algorithms are dissimilar. Instagram is in the battle for younger hearts and minds confronting Tik Tok; Facebook'south audience is considerably older than Instagram and Tik Tok. That'south why over the past 24-36 months, video has go increasingly important for audience growth on the platform, particularly via their Instagram Reels part.

Eating house owners should invest in a content calendar for Instagram that mixes photography (for consistent posting) with Instagram Reels sprinkled throughout. Although, as is the example with Tik Tok, creating the Reels content takes considerably more time and endeavor than photography. Additionally, Reels are unable to be scheduled in advance, requiring someone on your staff to mail service those directly from their telephone, as opposed to photo and video posts on the feed which tin exist scheduled using Facebook Creator Studio or another tertiary-party platform.

■ In that location is no social video app on the planet with more than enshroud than Tik Tok with the audience advertisers dear: the coveted 18-30 demographic. In fact, nearly l% of Tik Tok's audience is nether 30.

Content goes viral on Tik Tok faster than whatever other platform. The algorithm doesn't simply take likes and comments into account, although those are yet valuable. Their algorithm also takes into business relationship how chop-chop users are moving past a video or staying with information technology. That means whatever content you create for Tik Tok should be compelling from the beginning: if it doesn't get them in the first three seconds, it won't go them at all!

Learn more about Tik Tok in our guide for eating place owners.

    ■ Every restaurant possessor should do a cost versus benefit analysis when it comes to Twitter. Twitter is a dandy place to achieve influential people: publications, talent, and potential customers. Merely to truly excel at Twitter, information technology requires multiple posts every day of the week. Not all tweets need multimedia content, only those do see higher appointment than text-merely tweets.

The best way to utilize Twitter is as a function of your publicity team. Collaborate with local publications, food media companies, influencers and other "foodies" to bring attending to your restaurant if you lot want to use the app in the best manner for your business.

Paid Advert on Social

    ■ While everyone uses social media in some form or another, the platforms aren't non-profits operating for the benefit of everyone's enjoyment. Social media companies are businesses looking to bring value dorsum to their investors, and the biggest way they do that is through paid advertising.

As a restaurant possessor, yous can use this paid advertising in multiple ways. Use information technology to advertise specific promotions like "limited time offers," bring sensation to job openings to people in a certain geographic expanse or promote your page to get more followers in general. Always have some paid advertising in the background promoting your Facebook and Instagram accounts to encounter consistent growth beyond those 2 platforms.

    ■ Facebook and Twitter let you to specifically target their user base with different advert creatives perfectly tailored to them. Instagram only allows promoted posts, significant they accept existing pieces of your organic content and allow y'all to put a paid budget behind it to reach new users. Depending on your goals, you may want to pick one platform to prioritize your spending on than others.

Content Cosmos + Repurposing Content

    ■ There are all kinds of elements of your restaurant to highlight in your content, such as decor, drinks, programming or announcements. But the number one thing y'all tin post that volition atomic number 82 to actual client conversions more than anything else? Your food. For about restaurants, your social media content agenda should be based off of your dishes with any other elements that yous'd similar to highlight as your secondary or tertiary types of content.

That said, if yous are a cocktail or programming focused location, observe ways to make those the highlights with compelling photography or videos about your event programming and your bar program.

■ If you are repurposing your website photos for social, focus on overhead shots that you can reorient for a profile orientation. Information technology's okay to cross-post between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok—doing so won't affect the algorithms within the platform. But, effort to avoid re-using the aforementioned photos or videos within the aforementioned platform; users will encounter the repetition afterward time and begin to unfollow.

Woman using phone to order food

Nosotros live in an increasingly customer-focused globe. Businesses everywhere, including restaurants, are investing in ways to get closer to their customers. There'south a proven ROI from understanding your restaurant customer's needs and wants: y'all tin increase your revenue and customer lifetime value. Further, you can optimize your workforce to employ a staffing mix that best suits the needs of your restaurant patrons, consolidate your vendors to but get-go-choice suppliers and protect your margins against future economic declines.

Ultimately, however, focusing on customer engagement builds loyalty for your restaurant's brand and longevity for your business. At that place are numerous methods to identifying, agreement and motivating your customers as well as methods for keeping your customers engaged in the long-term.

Learn more than - Here are a few means to build customer loyalty with your restaurant's most valuable customers.

Email Marketing

    ■ As consumer preferences continue to grow and change, restaurants can do good from maximizing touchpoints with their customers outside of the eating place. In addition to webpage visits and social media engagement, e-mail marketing is a great style to leverage photo assets and engage with email addresses y'all've collected. A uncomplicated electronic mail marketing campaign goes a long style to keeping customers informed. They can help bolster client loyalty through more regular, targeted touchpoints with your customers, let your diners know that you're infusing innovation into your business and build a trust factor because they feel continued to your make. Observe out and brainstorm collecting email addresses from existing customers, developing a marketing calendar and reviewing email marketing best practices.

Client Loyalty

    ■ At the stop of the 24-hour interval, the value your customers identify on your restaurant's make is the virtually valuable asset for your business. Customer and brand loyalty tin withstand economic downturns, irresolute political climates and drastic spending trends.

So, how can yous build brand loyalty at your restaurant? First, think most what feel elements are unique to your eating place: smashing nutrient, optimal price points, excellent service or trendy aesthetic. From here, think nigh how to increase make loyalty by improving sensation, opportunities for exploration, explanation of benefits, increasing familiarity and driving commitment to your restaurant. Finally, at that place are tools your eatery can leverage to build customer loyalty such as social media or a restaurant app. Learn how. Here are some things you can practise to grow client loyalty at your eating house.

    ■ The restaurant manufacture is ofttimes the starting time to experience the negative bear on of a recession or unexpected global hardships such as COVID-xix. Consumers are inclined to cut discretionary spending, which includes dining out, first. To prevent this gamble, designing a robust incentive or rewards plan.

A client loyalty program incentivizes your customers through monetary or other rewards which encourages them to continue coming dorsum. Make up one's mind what advantage will incentivize your customers most, like free menu items after a certain threshold. Y'all tin also design a rewards program that tracks their progress, celebrates special days of the yr and gives them an experience they want to have once more. It's non enough to just have a customer loyalty programme, however, you also have to promote information technology! Learn more than almost increasing customer loyalty with a robust incentive program.

Fun social event for a restaurant

Community Events and Local Organizations

    ■ ESG (enterprise, social and governance) is the hottest buzzword in the business concern world. Corporate social responsibleness is no longer optional. This new customer preference is a great opportunity for your restaurant to get more involved in the local customs and bank good PR with your customers. Identify an opportunity to partner with a local not-profit for a fundraiser by donating the nutrient, host a percentage night where a portion of proceeds are donated to a clemency or run a food/supplies drive for a local shelter. This social enterprise strategy volition not only increase traffic to your restaurant considering customers volition want to be involved, just information technology also demonstrates your commitment to the customs, strengthening your brand equity.

    ■ Holidays pose a fantastic opportunity for restaurants to maximize service and attract new customers. Particularly for universally celebrated holidays such equally Valentine's Solar day, Mother'southward Mean solar day and Father's Day, it's a great opportunity for your restaurant to appeal to a broad range of people. Plus anybody wants to find something unique and special to do for these special occasions. And then, don't miss this valuable opportunity to marketplace your eatery for the holidays. Consider utilizing your customer loyalty plan to offer discounts. Diversifying your menu options and freshening up the décor are also great ways to depict in the holiday crowd. Be inclusive with your service offerings by offering at-home meal kits and gift card options for those that may choose to dine at dwelling house. Don't forget to broadcast your special offerings in your email newsletter, on your social media and via your website. It's important that restaurant owners not miss on these authentication opportunities for increased sales and client loyalty.


Woman doing customer marketing with NCR POS platform

    ■ One-to-ane marketing is the newest trend in customer-focused marketing as it seeks to provide consumers with a personalized experience based on their unique interests. For example, you might take experienced i-to-one marketing in a direct interaction with a restaurant employee via links you've clicked or products you've ordered. Restaurants tin can utilize it to meliorate target and attract new and existing customers.

To build a successful one-to-one marketing strategy, yous must know your customer and know your capabilities. Tools such as an electronic mail newsletter, your restaurant's website, or your point-of-sale system can give yous the detailed consumer insights you demand to curate individualized marketing campaigns or offers for your customers. One-to-ane marketing is about playing the long game: the initial insights and conversations might not lead to an immediate sales increase, but they're going a long way to building customer loyalty. Find out more about one-to-i marketing.

    ■ Marketing is an important tool for your eating house's continued growth, but it can come with a big price tag. There are, however, numerous tactics for employing cost effective marketing strategies at your restaurant. In that location are diverse digital tools at your disposal either for free or at a low-cost such as Canva, Mailchimp and Google Analytics. These software programs can help build your eating house's digital marketing toolkit. Yous tin also build awareness online for costless via social media platforms. A picture show is worth a grand words, then commit to loftier-quality photography to improve your social media presence. Leveraging SMS text bulletin marketing and optimizing your restaurant's SEO on Google can besides assist increase make awareness for relatively little investment. Cost effective marketing only involves a creative use of existing resources and your restaurant can make significant strides in increasing its brand awareness.

Marketing your restaurant is an essential ingredient to running a successful restaurant business organisation. Without it, you lot can't build brand awareness or long-term customer loyalty. Increasing your online presence with a website that reflects your restaurant's brand and curating regular content on social media are keen ways to establish a consistent make prototype with your customers. These tactics can be complemented by intentional customer engagement through rewards programs, email newsletters and community-focused events. These engagement activities show your customers that you intendance about their values and that your restaurant is committed to giving them an experience that reflects their desires. Don't miss out on the potential for significant growth. The fundamental to successful eatery marketing is only getting started.


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