
How Do I Find Duplicates In Excel

Whether information technology'due south an import error or someone accidentally pasting something twice, indistinguishable information makes your spreadsheets less useful. Here'southward how to discover duplicates in Excel, so you can delete them yourself, and how to find and delete duplicates in 1 quick motion.

How to Observe Duplicates in Excel

If you simply want to find duplicates, so you lot can decide yourself whether or not to delete them, your best bet is highlighting all indistinguishable content using provisional formatting.

Select the columns yous want to cheque for indistinguishable information, and click Home > Highlight Prison cell Rules > Duplicate Values.

Highlight duplicate values in Excel

You will exist asked which color scheme y'all'd like to utilise for the highlighting.

Formatting duplicate cells in Excel

Click OK, and all duplicate rows in your selected columns will be highlighted.

Highlighted duplicates in Excel

You tin can at present review the data and decide yourself whether to delete anything that's redundant.

How to Remove Duplicates in Excel

If y'all'd like to delete duplicates in Excel without manually reviewing them beginning, you can. Select the data you'd like to remove duplicates from, so click Data > Remove Duplicates.

Remove Duplicates in Excel

Yous volition be asked which columns yous'd like to include in your search for redundant data. This is useful if there is i column that wouldn't include any duplicate information.

Choose which columns to include in your search for duplicates

Click OK and Excel will find and delete all rows containing indistinguishable data.

Excel can remove duplicate values for you

Desire to learn more Excel tricks? Check out our Excel overview for updates, tutorials, and ways to integrate Excel with thousands of other apps.

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Justin Pot

Justin Pot is a writer and announcer based in Hillsboro, Oregon. He loves technology, people, and nature, non necessarily in that order. Learn more:


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