
Subnautica Below Zero: Which plants grow indoors?

There's a wide diversity of plants in Subnautica Below Zero, and many of them can exist used for survival. In fact, information technology's smart to build a farm that will provide you with fruits, vegetables, and other crafting materials. However, given the game'south aquatic world, in that location are just a few plants that abound indoors or in open up-air environments. Here'southward everything you need to know about indoor farming in Below Zero.

Subnautica Below Zero Farming: Indoor plants and food crops

Subnautica Below Zero - Indoor Plants - Lantern Tree

There are six different exploitable plants in Subnautica Beneath Nothing that can be grown indoors. Each of them provide fruit or vegetables that assistance manage hunger, thirst, health, and/or body temperature. Still, before you can abound or subcontract them, yous'll have to discover the original establish and claim its fruit or seeds.

Here's a expect at each establish that can be grown indoors in Subnautica Below Nada. Since all plants crave seeds to start growing, nosotros've too listed the location where the source plant tin can be found.

Chinese Tater Establish

Chinese Potato Plants are ane of the most easy-to-farm crops in Below Zero. The catch is that they can be hard to find. A few seeds are stashed away in a shipwreck, and the others you won't find until you lot're able to visit Marguerit's Greenhouse later in the game. Either mode, Chinese Potatoes provide +12 food and +3 water. Though the bonus is small, potatoes are bully fuel for the Bioreactor.

  • Yields: Chinese Potatoes
  • Location: Marguerit's Greenhouse; Mercury II Bow wreckage

Fevered Pepper Tree

The Fevered Pepper Tree is a towering found that grows its namesake hot peppers. The fruit provides +fifteen food, +20 h2o, and +50 heat, merely can also be used to craft the Spicy Fruit Salad, one of the all-time consumables in the game.

  • Yields: Fevered Pepper
  • Location: Arctic Spires, Glacial Bowl, Glacial Bay, East Arctic, Westward Arctic

Horseshoe Shrub

Subnautica Below Zero - Indoor plants - Horseshoe Shrub

Horseshoe Shrubs are a great way to farm nutrient early in Beneath Zero. You can harvest Shrub Nuts on the way to visit Outpost Zippo, where you'll discover the first pieces of the Habitat Builder also as various abound pots. Horseshoe Shrub Nuts provide +10 wellness, +fifteen food, and +5 water, making them one of only a few foods that accost all basic needs.

  • Yields: Shrub Basics
  • Location: Marguerit's Greenhouse; Delta Island outpost

Lantern Tree

The Lantern Copse from the original Subnautica return in Below Zero. The limbs off these twisted trunks drib Lantern Fruits, which can be eaten raw to provide +15 food and +74 oestrus. Since Lantern Trees provide abundant fruit, they also serve as a steady fuel supply for the Bioreactor.

  • Yields: Lantern Fruit
  • Location: Outpost Cypher

Marblemelon Plant

A staple of aquatic survival, the Marblemelon Plant provides big juicy melons at regular intervals. Unfortunately, the simply fashion to farm it is to visit Marguerit's Greenhouse, which isn't possible until afterward in the game. Withal, Marblemelons themselves provide +12 nutrient and +14 water, making them a great mode to satisfy both hunger and thirst without fishing or running a H2o Filtration Auto.

  • Yields: Marblemelons
  • Location: Marguerit's Greenhouse

Preston'south Plant

Preston'southward Institute is ane of the new additions to Below Zero. Like the Marblemelon and Chinese Potato Plant, you tin merely find it at Marguerit'south Greenhouse. However, information technology grows in any open-air pot, and yields two different crops.

The fruit is called Preston's Delight, and it provides +xv food and +5 water. So in that location's Preston's Constitute Foliage, which can exist combined with Fevered Pepper to create Spicy Fruit Salad. The combined dish restores a whopping +100 heat, +85 nutrient, and +30 water.

  • Yields: Preston'southward Please; Preston's Plant Leaf
  • Location: Marguerit'southward Greenhouse

Yous simply demand to abound a few indoor plants to survive in Subnautica Below Zip. Farming for fruits and vegetables provides a stable manner to manage hunger and thirst at your base of operations. All the same, if yous're taking the Seatruck Sleeper Module out for a long adventure, information technology'due south still worth bringing along bottled water and cured fish.


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